We specialize in the translation of fliers, brochures, packaging correction, and material for institutional presentation for companies that wish to go global. Business communication, PowerPoint presentations, and press releases, etc. are also included here.
We translate novels, history, stories, poetry, poems, plays, movie scripts, journalistic notes and texts, fliers, letters, etc.
Medical translations are done by translators who are doctors or graduates from different scientific fields like pharmacy or chemistry with work experience particularly in the field of medicine. We translate abstracts, medical histories, medication information, medical books, and medicine in general along with topics related to ecology and engineering.
Among the most common technical translations there are all kinds of user guides, medication information, instructions, technical specifications, mechanics, electronics, computing, software translation, engineering, and others.
We translate:
- Product and operation manuals
Presentations, websites from a certain sector
Translations from the petrochemical sector
Upstream documents
Downstream documents
Public translations are public documents that carry the signature of a collegial professional.
This type of translation can only be done by licensed translators once they have graduated with a university degree. Certification is given by the Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CTPBA) (The College of Public Translators of the City of Buenos Aires). The general function of the public translator is to translate documents from the national language to the foreign language and vice versa. Every translation must be accompanied by the original document or an accurate copy.
This type of translation is generally necessary to prove one’s identity, present work or criminal records, among other things.
Legal translations require very specific knowledge. Writing this type of document is very precise, and there can be no ambiguity in the text whatsoever.
We have translators who are duly qualified to translate legal documents. Our translators do not only understand legal terminology, but they also have an understanding of legal systems in use throughout the world.
Quality control and assurance of our translations:
- We work together with specialized translators in Argentina and around the world.
- We choose our translators very carefully.
- We bring forth a measure of quality at all times in the translation process. All of our translators respect confidentiality of all material, and they have maximum certification from regular translation agencies.
Other documents that can require legalization include:
Registered minutes, documents, judicial resolutions with foreign validity, analytical certificates, diplomas, contracts, birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, apostilles, notification certificates, statutes, yearbooks, speeches, legal documents, tenders, personal documentation, university degrees, educational certificates, deeds, inventories, divorce papers, division of joint property, judicial documents, judicial complaints, notices of claim, relocations, intellectual property, patents, edicts, testimonies, lawsuits, embargos, sentences, letters of authorization, notarial proceedings, confidentiality agreements, among others.

We know that the success of a multilingual meeting–a seminar, conference, business meeting, or a guided tour–depends greatly on the communication fluency. For this reason we give advice about the type of interpretation–simultaneous, consecutive, or whispering–that is best for each event, meeting, or conference.
- Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation in hotels and businesses
- Interpretation in industrial plants / guided tours
- Shopping tours
- Interpreters pool
- Bilingual assistance for festivals and conferences
- Accompaniment on foreign travel
- Reverse trade missions