Do You Know the ROI of Language Training?
It’s always necessary to evaluate the results of growth strategies that are implemented in every organization. It’s the right way to take new decisions that reinforce or correct the course being taken. A proven resource that has been spread throughout the business world is the ROI–return on investment–a measurement that allows you to evaluate the impact of the investment. What tools do you use to measure the impact of investments in your organization?
If you want to know more about how to apply the ROI, we invite you to visit this blog:
Language training: How does it impact the ROI?
The reasons why leaders of organizations and businesses that try to stay competitive should include language training for their teams among their priorities are obvious. The need to participate in business on the global stage involves having teams that rise to the occasion. Aside from language as a requirement for the most basic communications, there are many other abilities that are developed or improved with the incorporation of a second language. A Forbes article goes in-depth on these advantages associated with learning a foreign language. Mastering languages is a skill that is valued in several areas of business: sales, marketing, supply chain, logistics, and any job position associated with the sustainability of a business operation.
The ROI of language training has different kinds of impact: It increases team efficiency to reach goals, and it improves communication with customers and other organizations.
How to measure the ROI of language training:
There’s no end to the variables that can be taken into consideration to evaluate how often and in what ways language training impacts your organization. We’ll leave you the ones that can be considered most important:
- It increases performance at work from the organization’s perspective, but also the possibility of learning a language within a work environment is an aspect that is valued by employees.
- It develops cultural abilities that revitalize and improve interpersonal relationships among team members, especially if you take into account global teams. Cultural diversity must operate as a positive factor in an organization while it makes perspectives more complex and diversifies them. A team that knows languages facilitates communication for assigning tasks as much as creative processes and decision-making.
- Within individuals, it promotes a better worldview of business in general. The incorporation of a language is an opportunity to introduce new perspectives through the knowledge of other cultures. This is a valuable tool to identify new markets and start business relationships.
- Thinking in another language, something that is attained after you have a good grasp on it, contributes to more rational decision-making that is less sensitive to impulses like fear or insecurity. This skill results in a better capacity to respond to different situations in the work environment, and what’s even more relevant is a capacity to think better which is a central component of emotional intelligence.
There are many ways to increase and optimize the ROI in your organization based on language training. There are also many positive, valuable results. How do you establish investment priorities in your company? How are results evaluated? As a leader in your organization, how is work being done to strengthen your work forces and make them more competitive? What language training programs are being implemented?