
equipo de una empresa

Tu equipo es la clave – ENG

Estamos asistiendo a un proceso en el que las empresas eligen el camino del reskilling para preparar a sus empleados en nuevas habilidades. El objetivo es transformar tu equipos disponible...

aprendizaje en organizaciones

Learning Trends for Businesses

Learning Trends for Businesses: What are the future abilities for your workforce? Currently companies go through processes of transformation and innovation in response to conditions that emerge on the global scene...


Why is language training essential for your business?

We live in a hyper-globalized world in which work, study, and social spaces are no longer separate but are intercultural meeting points. It's already been proven that mastery of other...

equipo de trabajo

Do you know what the most in-demand #SOFTSKILLS are in the business world?

We already knew that the era of new knowledge and information technology make up a dynamic and challenging professional work environment. Developing and maintaining an up-to-date skill set to successfully...

estudiar portugues italiano frances

Benefits of language training: reasons to add Portuguese, French, and Italian to training programs

As we've seen in previous posts, English is the language that is established in the scientific, technological, industrial, and business worlds. Companies that aspire to maintain their competitiveness value bilingual...

inglés empresarial

English in the IT World and the Knowledge Economy Sector

English in the IT world and the knowledge economy sector is set as a key asset. Here are some tips to add these skills to your team. The IT world and...

ROI capacitacion en idiomas

Do You Know the ROI of Language Training?

It's always necessary to evaluate the results of growth strategies that are implemented in every organization. It's the right way to take new decisions that reinforce or correct the course...

¿Cuánto sabés de metodologías ágiles? – ENG

Lo único permanente es el cambio... Las formas y metodologías de trabajo están en constante cambio. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, los nuevos entornos globales y también los más cercanos, las...